/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom * based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine * Copyright (C) 1999 by * id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by * Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze * Copyright 2005, 2006 by * Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 8) #define SCREENTYPE byte #define TEMPBUF byte_tempbuf #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 15) #define SCREENTYPE unsigned short #define TEMPBUF short_tempbuf #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 16) #define SCREENTYPE unsigned short #define TEMPBUF short_tempbuf #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 32) #define SCREENTYPE unsigned int #define TEMPBUF int_tempbuf #endif #define GETDESTCOLOR8(col) (col) #define GETDESTCOLOR15(col) (col) #define GETDESTCOLOR16(col) (col) #define GETDESTCOLOR32(col) (col) #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_TRANSLATED) #define GETCOL8_MAPPED(col) (translation[(col)]) #else #define GETCOL8_MAPPED(col) (col) #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_NOCOLMAP) #define GETCOL8_DEPTH(col) GETCOL8_MAPPED(col) #else #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_DITHERZ) #define GETCOL8_DEPTH(col) (dither_colormaps[filter_getDitheredPixelLevel(x, y, fracz)][GETCOL8_MAPPED(col)]) #else #define GETCOL8_DEPTH(col) colormap[GETCOL8_MAPPED(col)] #endif #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_BILINEAR) #define GETCOL8(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL8_DEPTH(filter_getDitheredForColumn(x,y,frac,nextfrac)) #define GETCOL15(frac, nextfrac) filter_getFilteredForColumn15(GETCOL8_DEPTH,frac,nextfrac) #define GETCOL16(frac, nextfrac) filter_getFilteredForColumn16(GETCOL8_DEPTH,frac,nextfrac) #define GETCOL32(frac, nextfrac) filter_getFilteredForColumn32(GETCOL8_DEPTH,frac,nextfrac) #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_ROUNDED) #define GETCOL8(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL8_DEPTH(filter_getRoundedForColumn(frac,nextfrac)) #define GETCOL15(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL15(GETCOL8_DEPTH(filter_getRoundedForColumn(frac,nextfrac)), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #define GETCOL16(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL16(GETCOL8_DEPTH(filter_getRoundedForColumn(frac,nextfrac)), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #define GETCOL32(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL32(GETCOL8_DEPTH(filter_getRoundedForColumn(frac,nextfrac)), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #else #define GETCOL8(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL8_DEPTH(source[(frac)>>FRACBITS]) #define GETCOL15(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL15(GETCOL8_DEPTH(source[(frac)>>FRACBITS]), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #define GETCOL16(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL16(GETCOL8_DEPTH(source[(frac)>>FRACBITS]), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #define GETCOL32(frac, nextfrac) VID_PAL32(GETCOL8_DEPTH(source[(frac)>>FRACBITS]), VID_COLORWEIGHTMASK) #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & (RDC_BILINEAR|RDC_ROUNDED|RDC_DITHERZ)) #define INCY(y) (y++) #else #define INCY(y) #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_TRANSLUCENT) #define COLTYPE (COL_TRANS) #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_FUZZ) #define COLTYPE (COL_FUZZ) #else #define COLTYPE (COL_OPAQUE) #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 8) #define GETCOL(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL8(frac, nextfrac) #define GETDESTCOLOR(col) GETDESTCOLOR8(col) #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 15) #define GETCOL(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL15(frac, nextfrac) #define GETDESTCOLOR(col) GETDESTCOLOR15(col) #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 16) #define GETCOL(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL16(frac, nextfrac) #define GETDESTCOLOR(col) GETDESTCOLOR16(col) #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 32) #define GETCOL(frac, nextfrac) GETCOL32(frac, nextfrac) #define GETDESTCOLOR(col) GETDESTCOLOR32(col) #endif static void R_DRAWCOLUMN_FUNCNAME(draw_column_vars_t *dcvars) { int count; SCREENTYPE *dest; // killough fixed_t frac; const fixed_t fracstep = dcvars->iscale; #if ((R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_BILINEAR) && (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS != 8)) const fixed_t slope_texu = (dcvars->source == dcvars->nextsource) ? 0 : dcvars->texu & 0xffff; #else const fixed_t slope_texu = dcvars->texu; #endif // drop back to point filtering if we're minifying #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & (RDC_BILINEAR|RDC_ROUNDED)) if (dcvars->iscale > drawvars.mag_threshold) { R_GetDrawColumnFunc(R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_TYPE, RDRAW_FILTER_POINT, drawvars.filterz)(dcvars); return; } #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_FUZZ) // Adjust borders. Low... if (!dcvars->yl) dcvars->yl = 1; // .. and high. if (dcvars->yh == viewheight-1) dcvars->yh = viewheight - 2; #endif // leban 1/17/99: // removed the + 1 here, adjusted the if test, and added an increment // later. this helps a compiler pipeline a bit better. the x86 // assembler also does this. count = dcvars->yh - dcvars->yl; // leban 1/17/99: // this case isn't executed too often. depending on how many instructions // there are between here and the second if test below, this case could // be moved down and might save instructions overall. since there are // probably different wads that favor one way or the other, i'll leave // this alone for now. if (count < 0) // Zero length, column does not exceed a pixel. return; #ifdef RANGECHECK if (dcvars->x >= SCREENWIDTH || dcvars->yl < 0 || dcvars->yh >= SCREENHEIGHT) I_Error("R_DrawColumn: %i to %i at %i", dcvars->yl, dcvars->yh, dcvars->x); #endif // Determine scaling, which is the only mapping to be done. #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_BILINEAR) frac = dcvars->texturemid - (FRACUNIT>>1) + (dcvars->yl-centery)*fracstep; #else if (dcvars->flags & DRAW_COLUMN_ISPATCH) frac = (dcvars->yl * fracstep) & 0xFFFF; else frac = dcvars->texturemid + (dcvars->yl-centery)*fracstep; #endif if (dcvars->drawingmasked && dcvars->edgetype == RDRAW_MASKEDCOLUMNEDGE_SLOPED) { // slope the top and bottom column edge based on the fractional u coordinate // and dcvars->edgeslope, which were set in R_DrawMaskedColumn // in r_things.c if (dcvars->yl != 0) { if (dcvars->edgeslope & RDRAW_EDGESLOPE_TOP_UP) { // [/#] int shift = ((0xffff-(slope_texu & 0xffff))/dcvars->iscale); dcvars->yl += shift; count -= shift; frac += 0xffff-(slope_texu & 0xffff); } else if (dcvars->edgeslope & RDRAW_EDGESLOPE_TOP_DOWN) { // [#\] int shift = ((slope_texu & 0xffff)/dcvars->iscale); dcvars->yl += shift; count -= shift; frac += slope_texu & 0xffff; } } if (dcvars->yh != viewheight-1) { if (dcvars->edgeslope & RDRAW_EDGESLOPE_BOT_UP) { // [#/] int shift = ((0xffff-(slope_texu & 0xffff))/dcvars->iscale); dcvars->yh -= shift; count -= shift; } else if (dcvars->edgeslope & RDRAW_EDGESLOPE_BOT_DOWN) { // [\#] int shift = ((slope_texu & 0xffff)/dcvars->iscale); dcvars->yh -= shift; count -= shift; } } if (count <= 0) return; } // Framebuffer destination address. // SoM: MAGIC { // haleyjd: reordered predicates if(temp_x == 4 || (temp_x && (temptype != COLTYPE || temp_x + startx != dcvars->x))) R_FlushColumns(); if(!temp_x) { startx = dcvars->x; tempyl[0] = commontop = dcvars->yl; tempyh[0] = commonbot = dcvars->yh; temptype = COLTYPE; #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_TRANSLUCENT) temptranmap = tranmap; #elif (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_FUZZ) tempfuzzmap = fullcolormap; // SoM 7-28-04: Fix the fuzz problem. #endif R_FlushWholeColumns = R_FLUSHWHOLE_FUNCNAME; R_FlushHTColumns = R_FLUSHHEADTAIL_FUNCNAME; R_FlushQuadColumn = R_FLUSHQUAD_FUNCNAME; dest = &TEMPBUF[dcvars->yl << 2]; } else { tempyl[temp_x] = dcvars->yl; tempyh[temp_x] = dcvars->yh; if(dcvars->yl > commontop) commontop = dcvars->yl; if(dcvars->yh < commonbot) commonbot = dcvars->yh; dest = &TEMPBUF[(dcvars->yl << 2) + temp_x]; } temp_x += 1; } // do nothing else when drawin fuzz columns #if (!(R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_FUZZ)) { const byte *source = dcvars->source; const lighttable_t *colormap = dcvars->colormap; const byte *translation = dcvars->translation; #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & (RDC_BILINEAR|RDC_ROUNDED|RDC_DITHERZ)) int y = dcvars->yl; const int x = dcvars->x; #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_DITHERZ) const int fracz = (dcvars->z >> 6) & 255; const byte *dither_colormaps[2] = { dcvars->colormap, dcvars->nextcolormap }; #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_BILINEAR) #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE_BITS == 8) const int yl = dcvars->yl; const byte *dither_sources[2] = { dcvars->source, dcvars->nextsource }; const unsigned int filter_fracu = (dcvars->source == dcvars->nextsource) ? 0 : (dcvars->texu>>8) & 0xff; #else const byte *nextsource = dcvars->nextsource; const unsigned int filter_fracu = (dcvars->source == dcvars->nextsource) ? 0 : dcvars->texu & 0xffff; #endif #endif #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_ROUNDED) const byte *prevsource = dcvars->prevsource; const byte *nextsource = dcvars->nextsource; const unsigned int filter_fracu = (dcvars->source == dcvars->nextsource) ? 0 : (dcvars->texu>>8) & 0xff; #endif count++; // Inner loop that does the actual texture mapping, // e.g. a DDA-lile scaling. // This is as fast as it gets. (Yeah, right!!! -- killough) // // killough 2/1/98: more performance tuning if (dcvars->texheight == 128) { #define FIXEDT_128MASK ((127<texheight == 0) { /* cph - another special case */ while (count--) { *dest = GETDESTCOLOR(GETCOL(frac, (frac+FRACUNIT))); INCY(y); dest += 4; frac += fracstep; } } else { unsigned heightmask = dcvars->texheight-1; // CPhipps - specify type if (! (dcvars->texheight & heightmask) ) { // power of 2 -- killough fixed_t fixedt_heightmask = (heightmask<=0) { // texture height is a power of 2 -- killough *dest = GETDESTCOLOR(GETCOL(frac & fixedt_heightmask, (frac+FRACUNIT) & fixedt_heightmask)); INCY(y); dest += 4; frac += fracstep; *dest = GETDESTCOLOR(GETCOL(frac & fixedt_heightmask, (frac+FRACUNIT) & fixedt_heightmask)); INCY(y); dest += 4; frac += fracstep; } if (count & 1) *dest = GETDESTCOLOR(GETCOL(frac & fixedt_heightmask, (frac+FRACUNIT) & fixedt_heightmask)); INCY(y); } else { fixed_t nextfrac = 0; heightmask++; heightmask <<= FRACBITS; if (frac < 0) while ((frac += heightmask) < 0); else while (frac >= (int)heightmask) frac -= heightmask; #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & (RDC_BILINEAR|RDC_ROUNDED)) nextfrac = frac + FRACUNIT; while (nextfrac >= (int)heightmask) nextfrac -= heightmask; #endif #define INCFRAC(f) if ((f += fracstep) >= (int)heightmask) f -= heightmask; while (count--) { // Re-map color indices from wall texture column // using a lighting/special effects LUT. // heightmask is the Tutti-Frutti fix -- killough *dest = GETDESTCOLOR(GETCOL(frac, nextfrac)); INCY(y); dest += 4; INCFRAC(frac); #if (R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & (RDC_BILINEAR|RDC_ROUNDED)) INCFRAC(nextfrac); #endif } } } } #endif // (!(R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE & RDC_FUZZ)) } #undef GETDESTCOLOR32 #undef GETDESTCOLOR16 #undef GETDESTCOLOR15 #undef GETDESTCOLOR8 #undef GETDESTCOLOR #undef GETCOL8_MAPPED #undef GETCOL8_DEPTH #undef GETCOL32 #undef GETCOL16 #undef GETCOL15 #undef GETCOL8 #undef GETCOL #undef INCY #undef INCFRAC #undef COLTYPE #undef TEMPBUF #undef SCREENTYPE #undef R_DRAWCOLUMN_FUNCNAME #undef R_DRAWCOLUMN_PIPELINE